Video Courses

Using Videos to Amplify Learning

Students learn best when they take in information through multiple modes like reading, answering, listening and viewing visual media.

Champstreet has chapter-wise and topic-wise videos to assist the students in visualizing and learning of new content, concepts, and ideas. Explore our videos and make the e-learning interactive, exciting and productive for the kids.
Our videos help you visualize each concept, making it easier to understand. Wide range of videos for Maths & Science for classes 6,7,8,9 & 10

How CHAMPSTREET Videos helps you in studies:-

  • Great for visual learners
  • Independent learning
  • Short & to-the-point
  • 1800+ Bite-Size Videos

Video Courses

Videos for Maths, Physics, Chemistry & Biology

HCF (Highest Common Factor) or GCD (Greatest Common Divisor)
What is Force? | Part 1| Forces and Motion - Physics Grade 9
Acids and Bases - Introduction - CBSE 10
What are Tissues? - CBSE Class 9

Facilitate Thinking and Problem Solving Through Our Videos

Videos assist the students in visualizing and learning of new content, concepts, and ideas. Using videos to communicate ideas and concepts make learning engaging and insightful.

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